During the course of our research, we have collected a plethora of transcriptions in Emirati Pidgin Arabic (EPA) that could represent a body of reference for those who wish to learn more about the language and how it can be used.
The following words and word phrases illustrate simple sentence structures and communicative expressions that can help learners acquire basic terminology and familiarize themselves with EPA.
Salam سلام
Definition: Peace, Hello, Welcome
Arbab ارباب
Definition: Boss, used in reference to persons with authority, or to denote respect
Wa و
Definition: And, commonly pronounced “Ooh”
Kan fe كان في
Definition: “There was”, used very frequently in EPA sentence structures
Ba’adain “or” Ogob بعدين “او” عقب
Definition: Then, denoting what happens next
Seer سير
Definition: Go
Sar, Sarat, Sarow سار, سارت, ساروا
Definition: He went, she went, they went, respectively
‘Ashan عشان
Definition: For, for the purpose of, so that
Ana أنا
Definition: Pronoun meaning I, or me
Howa هو
Definition: Pronoun, He
Heya هي
Definition: Pronoun, She
Hom هم
Definition: they, them
Nafar نفر
Definition: Person, also refers to one unit of something. Can add a number beforehand to denote multiple people or units
Ma fi ما في
Definition: “There is not”, or to denote a lack of something
Fi في
Definition: “There is”
Abi, Yabi, Tabi, Yaboon أبي, يبي, تبي, يبون
Definition: I want, He wants, She wants, They want
Gool گول
Definition: Say, or to say
Ana gool, Howa gool, Heya gool, Homa gool أنا گول, هو گول, هي گول, هم گول
Definition: I say, He says, She says, They say
Walad ولد
Definition: Boy
Bint بنت
Definition: Girl
Rayyal ريّال
Definition: Man
Herma حرمة
Definition: Woman
Kam كم
Definition: How much?
Chethi جذي
Definition: Like this
Heg حق
Definition: For
Haggy حقي
Definition: My, Mine
Heg Howa حق هو
Definition: denoting possession; his
Heg Heya حق هي
Definition: denoting possession; her; hers
Heg Hom حق هم
Definition: denoting possession; theirs
Mal Howa مال هو
Definition: denoting possession; His
Mal Heya مال هي
Definition: denoting possession; her; hers
Mal Homma مال هم
Definition: denoting possession; theirs
Mal Ana مال أنا
Definition: Mine
Maly مالي
Definition: Mine
Sawy سوي
Definition: Do, make
Tarteeb ترتيب
Definition: Fix, organize
Sawy tarteeb سوي ترتيب
Definition: [I] will fix, [you] will fix